Farm Business Resilience (DAFWA)
Farm Business Resilience
Develop and Implement Community Engagement Strategy. Develop Community Strategy Plan and Corporate Business Plan
Serpentine Jarrahdale Shire WA, 2012-13
Conduct Staff Interviews, Develop Organisational Structure, Staffing Options, Position Descriptions & Performance Plans for Start Up Business
Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre AUS, 2013
Facilitate Workshop with Avocado Growers to Prioritise Research & Development Projects
Avocados Australia, 2013
Facilitate Workshop with Youth Advisory Group on Bridging the Rural City Divide
Rural Business Development CorporationWA, 2012
Facilitate Business Plan with Parks & Visitors Services
Department Environment and Conservation WA, 2012
Design and Implement Baseline Survey to Measure Values
TSC, Edith Cowan University, 2012
Facilitate Staff Workshops for Values Touchstone and Integration Strategy
ITSC, Edith Cowan University, 2012
Facilitate Strategic Planning Workshop with Leadership Team
TSC, Edith Cowan University, 2012
Development of Strategic Plan with CEO
Northern Agricultural Catchment Council, 2012
Facilitate Staff Workshops for Values Touchstone and Integration Strategy
Shire of Murray, 2011-12
Mentor HR Coordinator
Shire of Murray, 2012
HR Survey Question Design
Shire of Murray, 2012
Lead Facilitator for Farm Business Resilience Program, 30 workshops with farmers
Department of Food and Agriculture & Curtin University WA, 2010-12
Mentor HR Manager
Shire of Kalamunda, Shire of AshburtonWA, 2008-10
Mentor HR Manager
Outback Ecology Services WA, 2010
Facilitate Values Integration Strategy with Staff
Shire of Mundaring; Shire of Kalamunda WA, 2008-9
Accreditation for Recruitment Consulting Association
LO-GO Appointments WA, 2009
Develop and Implement Online Survey for HR Services
Shire of MundaringWA, 2009
Facilitate HR Team Restructure
Shire of MundaringWA, 2008
Develop HR Strategic Plan Outback Ecology Services
Shire of Kalamunda; Shire of Mundaring, Shire of KulinWA, 2007-10